Friday, July 07, 2006


Wow, Lionel Richie is like my god. I volunteered today at Centrastate, and I basically folded towels with 60 year old ladies for 4 hours. I work in the "sterile processing" part of the hospital. It sounds so fucking interesting... I thought I was gonna sterilize stuff, maybe even process stuff. But I do neither. On the side of the room, there was a boombox, along with a smorgasbord of delicious cds. Evidently, 60 year olds listen to Eminem and Busta Rhymes. One of the ladies put in a mix cd of rap music. Oh boy. I sorted hospital utensils with Nelly in the background, talking to me about "Grillz". When the ladies left for a break or something, I turned off the boombox, and proceeded with my work. This foxy chick, named Lynn...circa 65-ish, asked me..

"What happened to the music?"

I lied and said, "It started skipping."

She actually sighs with gratification.

"I hate that shit," she uttered.

If she hates that shit, why were we listening to it for 2 Hours. I don't really know.
Lionel Richie. That was the next cd she chose to put in. I found myself singing, out loud with the old ladies. It felt like I was initiated. I felt special. Not.

I also work with this 20-something, virgin dude, who fantasizes about how hes gonna get with the nutritionist in food service. I give him "tips" on how to get women, and he eats it up. He thinks I have a clue, and I thank him for that.

Random link:

I'm mastering this dance, Its the british version of the show, The Office.


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